Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3/12 Thursday 6:30
RAWFOOD PREP $25 with Frank Giglio!
2 main courses 2 apps a salad dressing after that we sit & eat!

Water, Our Greatest Teacher
3/15 Sunday 7:00pm
no charge - after 5:30 Pot Luck dinner
Spring water, distilled, reverse osmosis, rain, tap, well,... Well, which is best?! With technology and information changing so rapidly, this question is more relevant than ever! What should I do? Should I buy a distiller?

What is the difference between distilled water and spring water? Why does it matter? Bottled water?
How safe IS tap water? These questions and more will be explored in a dynamic presentation on this most important matter.Other stones to be turned:How does the water we drink affect our state of consciousness?
How does harvesting our own water contribute to healing ourselves and the planet?
Water as "Solution"Being a student of waterWater is the ultimate transformer!
Discovering these truths about water will shift your perception in the most amazing way!
Cultivate your wildest dreams and sculpt a magical life by becoming student of our most amazing teacher, Water!
As a most sincere student of the totality of water's influence in our life,
Livingstone for a discussion that is certain to
turn a few stones in your mind and stoke the fire in your heart.

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