David Wolfe spoke at the Cafe 4/28 - over 100 people tuned
in and Superfood info was shared!
Goji - Cacao - Blue Green Algae - Immune Detox - Inca Berries...
To hear more from David on
youtube youtube Dr. Brian Clement spoke at the Cafe 4/3 - Brian told it like it is!
Body in DIS - EASE why it happens how to get back in balance!
To hear more from Dr. Clement on
youtube youtubeMAY WILL BE AS AWESOME!5/4 Tuesday 4-8pm Cinco De Mayo Celebration
with Kevin & Ann Marie Gianni
from The Renegade Health Show!
5:00pm-7:00pm Smoothie specials - island fire shots 2 for 1...
EVERY SUNDAY Pot Luck Dinner @ 5pm followed by 7pm presentation
(no gathering 5/10 - Happy Mother's Day)
5/17 Tba
5/24 TBA
Red Bee Honey Bee Keeper shares on bees honey...
5/24 Sunday 4:30 LIVE MUSIC
"Superbug"***I am now seeing people interested in ONE on ONE Raw Food info session!JUICE CLEANSE MAY 11-15 4 JUICES 1 SUPERFOOD SMOOTHIES 1 SOUP!
Sign up by Thursday May 7th - pick up in West Haven or Startford or North Haven
fees vary!
JUNE 6th Starts of with a Hugh Day
Tthe biggest single day in Catch A Healthy Habit History!
6pm Shamanic Drum Circle on the West Haven Green!!!!!!!!
7:30 HOWARD "The Mad Cowboy" LYMAN
Write this one down!