Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Best Dinner Ever! Howard Selling Out!

The First Ever Raw Food Dinner in West Haven
Took Place at Catch A Healthy Habit Cafe
Friday April 4th! What a night is was!
All 20 seats were occupied, all 20 enjoyed!!!!!!!!!
Hope you can attend the next one!
****** There is Orange Cremesicle Pie & Vanilla Ice Cream
available for visitors today!

Howard "The Mad Cowboy" Lyman
is set to talk Sunday April 11th at Yale.
There are 26 seats left!
$10 fee required for all non Yale students and staff
There will be no walk ups for this event!
see below right of blog!

Sunday night Pot Luck 5:30
& Documentary 7pm "Future of Food!"
(last until May)

Friday May 2nd LIVE MUSIC!

Wednesdays 9:30 am or 6:30pm
Raw Food Wednesday's
$25 per class! Invest in your Health!

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